(legacy) Scrape Pitcher Leaderboards from FanGraphs
(legacy) Scrape Pitcher Leaderboards from FanGraphs
age = "",
pos = "all",
stats = "pit",
lg = "all",
qual = "0",
startseason = "2023",
endseason = "2023",
startdate = "",
enddate = "",
month = "0",
hand = "",
team = "0",
pageitems = "10000",
pagenum = "1",
ind = "0",
rost = "0",
players = "",
type = "8",
postseason = "",
sortdir = "default",
sortstat = "WAR"
- age
(integer) Age of players
- pos
(character) Position of players, defaults to "all". To exclude pitchers, use "np".
- stats
(character) Statistic to return. Defaults to "bat".
- lg
(character) League to return. Defaults to "all". Options are "al", "nl", or "all".
- qual
(character) Whether you want only batters/pitchers that qualified in a given season, or the minimum number of plate appearances for inclusion. If you only want qualified hitters, use qual. If a minimum number of plate appearaces/innings pitched, use the number desired. Defaults to "y".
- startseason
(character) Season for which you want to scrape the data.
- endseason
(character) Last season for which you want data.
- startdate
(character) Start date for which you want data.
- enddate
(character) End date for which you want data.
- month
(character) Month for which you want data.
- hand
(character) Handedness of batter. Options are "L", "R", or "B". Empty string returns all.
- team
(character) Teams for which you want data, comma separated.
- pageitems
(character) Number of items per page.
- pagenum
(character) Page number.
- ind
(character) Whether or not to break the seasons out individual, or roll them up together. 1 = split seasons, 0 = aggregate seasons.
- rost
(character) Whether or not to include players on the roster. 1 = include, 0 = exclude.
- players
(character) Whether or not to include players on the roster. 1 = include only active roster players, 0 = exclude.
- type
(character) Defaults to 8, which is the standard leaderboard. The values for the leaderboards appear to go to from type = 0 to 48+, which correspond to links on the leaderboard page.
- postseason
(logical) Whether or not to include postseason data. TRUE = include postseason, FALSE = exclude postseason.
- sortdir
(character) Sort direction. Options are "asc" or "desc" or "default".
- sortstat
(character) Sort by stat. Default is "WAR".