Download a data frame of all umpires and their mlbamids for games since 2008
Download a data frame of all umpires and their mlbamids for games since 2008
# \donttest{
#> ── MLB Umpire IDs data from baseballr-data repository ──────────────────
#> ℹ Data updated: 2024-04-13 21:55:59 UTC
#> # A tibble: 140,609 × 5
#> id position name game_pk game_date
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <IDate>
#> 1 644760 3B Adam Beck 662601 2022-09-07
#> 2 427533 2B Mark Wegner 662601 2022-09-07
#> 3 429805 1B Todd Tichenor 662601 2022-09-07
#> 4 427128 HP Rob Drake 662601 2022-09-07
#> 5 573769 3B Jeremy Riggs 662138 2022-09-07
#> 6 596809 2B Ryan Additon 662138 2022-09-07
#> 7 484198 1B Alan Porter 662138 2022-09-07
#> 8 511890 HP Quinn Wolcott 662138 2022-09-07
#> 9 605670 3B Dan Merzel 662313 2022-09-07
#> 10 594151 2B Ramon De Jesus 662313 2022-09-07
#> # ℹ 140,599 more rows
# }