MLB Schedule Event Types
Returns a tibble with the following columns
col_name | types |
schedule_event_type_code | character |
schedule_event_type_name | character |
# \donttest{
#> ── MLB Schedule Event Types data from ─────── baseballr 1.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2024-04-13 21:56:43 UTC
#> # A tibble: 19 × 2
#> schedule_event_type_code schedule_event_type_name
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 A All-Star Weekend Event
#> 2 T Team Event
#> 3 E Exhibition
#> 4 Z Postseason Games
#> 5 Y Spring Training Games
#> 6 W Pitchers & Catchers Report
#> 7 X Full Squad Reports
#> 8 H STH Events
#> 9 B Ballpark Tours
#> 10 I Important Dates
#> 11 O Other
#> 12 C Cultural Events
#> 13 D Tracking Data Events
#> 14 F Festival
#> 15 K Kids & Family
#> 16 M Music
#> 17 P Promotion Logo - Background Image
#> 18 Q Promotion Logo - Single Date Image
#> 19 S Studio Event
# }