MLB Team Info
- team_id
The team_id to return team data for.
- season
The season to return team data for the given year.
- sport_id
The sport_id to return a directory of team data for a particular club in a sport.
Returns a tibble with the following columns
col_name | types |
all_star_status | character |
team_id | integer |
team_full_name | character |
link | character |
season | integer |
team_code | character |
file_code | character |
team_abbreviation | character |
team_name | character |
location_name | character |
first_year_of_play | character |
short_name | character |
franchise_name | character |
club_name | character |
active | logical |
venue_id | integer |
venue_name | character |
venue_link | character |
spring_venue_id | integer |
spring_venue_link | character |
league_id | integer |
league_name | character |
league_link | character |
sport_id | integer |
sport_link | character |
sport_name | character |
# \donttest{
try(mlb_team_info(team_id = 147))
#> ── MLB Team Info data from ────────────────── baseballr 1.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2024-04-13 21:56:51 UTC
#> # A tibble: 1 × 33
#> all_star_status team_id team_full_name link season team_code
#> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> 1 N 147 New York Yankees /api/v1/tea… 2024 nya
#> # ℹ 27 more variables: file_code <chr>, team_abbreviation <chr>,
#> # team_name <chr>, location_name <chr>, first_year_of_play <chr>,
#> # short_name <chr>, franchise_name <chr>, club_name <chr>,
#> # active <lgl>, spring_league_id <int>, spring_league_name <chr>,
#> # spring_league_link <chr>, spring_league_abbreviation <chr>,
#> # venue_id <int>, venue_name <chr>, venue_link <chr>,
#> # spring_venue_id <int>, spring_venue_link <chr>, league_id <int>, …
# }