Who has Hit the Most Home Runs the Fastest?

I have nine nieces and nephews with another one on the way, so the topic of baby names has been floating around pretty consistently over the past few months. When people started throwing around potential names I wanted to see how the popularity of those names had trended over time.... [Read More]
Tags: R, tidyverse, dplyr, ggplot2, baseball, shiny

Exploring Trends in Baby Names from Scratch in R

I have nine nieces and nephews with another one on the way, so the topic of baby names has been floating around pretty consistently over the past few months. When people started throwing around potential names I wanted to see how the popularity of those names had trended over time.... [Read More]
Tags: R, dplyr, ggplot2, baby names

Public Interactive Fantasy Football Tool

For the past few years I’ve released an interactive tool that can be used for fantasy football players. The general idea is the tool combines traditional data, such as projected fantasy points and average draft position, with my custom Consistency metric. This year I’ve updated the tool, building it in... [Read More]
Tags: R, shiny, football, fantsay football