Generate linear weight values for events using Baseball Savant data
This function allows a user to generate linear weight values for events using Baseball Savant data. Output includes both linear weights above average and linear weights above outs for home runs, triples, doubles, singles, walks, hit by pitches, and outs.
- df
A data frame generated from Baseball Savant that has been run through the
function.- level
Whether to calculate linear weights the plate appearance or pitch level. Defaults to 'plate appearance'.
Returns a tibble with the following columns:
col_name | types |
events | character |
linear_weights_above_average | numeric |
linear_weights_above_outs | numeric |
# \donttest{
df <- statcast_search(start_date = "2016-04-06", end_date = "2016-04-15",
playerid = 621043, player_type = 'batter')
df <- run_expectancy_code(df, level = "plate appearances")
linear_weights_savant(df, level = "plate appearance")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 3
#> events linear_weights_above_average linear_weights_above_outs
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 home_run 1 1
#> 2 double 0.5 0.5
#> 3 single 0.17 0.17
#> 4 walk 0 0
#> 5 outs 0 0
# }